Prime Series NVR
The "Prime Series" NVR (Network Video Recorder) refers to a high-end line of surveillance equipment designed for professional and demanding applications. These NVRs are typically packed with advanced features and robust performance capabilities to cater to large-scale and complex security systems.

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Prime Series NVR (NVR5)

The "Prime Series NVR" typically denotes a high-end model within a manufacturer's lineup of Network Video Recorder (NVR). These NVRs are designed to cater to the demands of professional surveillance systems, offering advanced features and superior performance compared to entry-level or mid-range models.


Ø Support Ultra 265/H.265/H.264 video formats

Ø 16/32/64 channel input

Ø Support mainstream cameras of ONVIF conformance(Profile S, Profile G, Profile T ) and RTSP protocols

Ø VGA and HDMI independent output (NVR508-64B simultaneous output by default , independent output configurable)

Ø Up to 16 Megapixels resolution recording

Ø Support N+1 Hot spare

Ø ANR technology to enhance the storage reliability when the network is disconnected

Ø Support cloud upgrade

When considering a Prime Series NVR for your surveillance needs, it's important to assess the specific requirements of your project, such as the number of cameras you plan to connect, the desired video resolution, and any specialized features you might need for your particular environment. These NVRs are typically more expensive than lower-tier models but offer superior performance and reliability, making them ideal for commercial, industrial, and governmental applications where top-tier security is paramount. The specifications of this product are NVR501, NVR502, NVR504,NVR508. If you want know more, please contact us.

NVR508-B Series.pdf

NVR504-B Series.pdf

NVR502-B Series.pdf